Thursday, April 7, 2011

Corporal Punishment

I really need to know how people feel about corporal punishment at schools. Here's an article of interest on this issue...need feedback:

Colo. police pepper-spray misbehaving boy, 8

LAKEWOOD, Colo. (AP) — The mother of an 8-year-old boy pepper-sprayed by suburban Denver police as he threw a violent tantrum at his elementary school said Wednesday that she wishes authorities had chosen to talk him down instead.
Police in Lakewood say they pepper-sprayed 8-year-old Aidan Elliott twice Feb. 22 at Glennon Heights Elementary School after he refused to drop a piece of wooden wall trim that he was trying to stab them with.
"I wanted to make something sharp, like if they came out, 'cause i was so mad at them," the boy said on NBC's "Today" show. "I was going to try to whack them with it."
The Associated Press: Colo. police pepper-spray misbehaving boy, 8
What do you think of that? This little kid could really do some damage with a sharp instrument, why not protect yourselves? I know I would. With all the craziness in our world today, does it matter if you're stabbed by a kid or an adult-- you're still stabbed. I feel for this mom because I am a mom and it's hard to see your own kid as a potential murderer or felon, but be very clear, every murderer is someone's kid.
I believe in the "old school" way of discipline, a little whack to keep 'em straight or let them know you mean business. So much authority has been taken away from the teachers/parents that respect is minimal and the kids don't fear the consequences of their actions. What do you think???

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Good Word for today!

This was from Joel Osteen ministries:
Ever had days you feel all alone? Ever felt like nobody cares about your circumstances, your hurts, even your dreams?
Let me encourage you. I may not know all the specific challenges you’re facing, but these two things will make all the difference:
FIRST, I want you to know that God is with you. SECOND, I want you to know that God is for you.
No matter how alone you feel, no matter how discouraged you might be...God will always be with you and for you. He’s promised it, and God doesn’t break His promises.
I pray that you will keep this incredible promise front and center in your life EVERY DAY!
If you do, fear and worry won’t be able to steal your joy. The circumstances of life will not dictate your future. Sickness and financial lack will not have its way in your life. When God is with you and for you, no person, no situation, no circumstance can keep you from the blessings of God.
The same God who created the heavens and the earth, who spoke the universe into existence, who knows everything that will ever happen in your WITH YOU and FOR YOU.
When God is for you, nothing can win against you. Not the pain of your past, not the mistakes you’ve made, not a bad economy or ANYTHING else on earth.
It doesn’t matter what you’re not — it only matters who God is.
If you’ve offered your life to Christ, if you love God with all your heart, He’s promised to always be with you and for you.
This blessed my heart today, hope it does the same for you!
Unti next time...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Just Sayin'

Where did all the money go? Long time passes. Where did all the money go, not so long ago.
Someone spent it, lots of it. When will they ever learn...when will they ever learn?
The message at my church on Sunday was to whom much is given, much is required, so all you MUCH'S Please start giving to the poor and needy. It should be your heart's desire to narrow that oh so wide margin between the uber rich and the deathly poor.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gotta ASK!

Did you ever wake up from a dream just to find that you NEVER quite disconnected from the dream and everything is a bit surreal? What do you do?
Well, I take a few moments to adjust to my surroundings and try to make sense of what I experienced in that dream state---sometimes it makes no sense. Other times it makes perfect sense...there are no purple people-eaters and the bed is NOT made of chocolate. lol.
Has it ever left you so disoriented that your day seems weird and you can't  shake the weirdness? I've had a few of those, but would like to know I'm in good company, OK?  Feel free to share.
The dreams where I have to leave all my wealth and handsome new hubby just to wake up without either are usually the hardest ones to let go. So maybe I won't have to much longer...Prince Charming has me in his radar for sure!